How do you cope with seasons?

Tasmania is amazing for a number of reasons, however I love that we have four very distinct seasons! While I am definitely a summer, surf and sun kind of girl I do appreciate the other seasons for their variety in colour, temperature and life in general.

As June begins, so does Winter. The cold days, crisp breeze and delicate snowflakes are wonderful parts of winter, but after a while you begin to feel numb (literally!!). Remembering what lies ahead is also a little numb; three months of de-frosting the car before work, rain and chopping wood to keep the house warm and toasty.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love sitting in front of a blazing fire with a pot of tea listening to the rain, but the preparation and maintenance for these things after the first week or so can become draining.

Central Highlands snow in Tasmania

Central Highlands snow in Tasmania

It is in these moments we can slip into the mindset of I wish. In my case it was I wish it was summer already.

Upon having a few of these I wish moments, I quickly realised how I wanted to be taken out of the season. I thought about all the benefits for me not being here for winter and where I could escape.

I believe life is like this also. God gives us seasons in our lives where sometimes we just want to pack up and leave. Times where we just want to know all the answers. Seasons of life where we just cannot understand or comprehend what is going on, or where the road is going. This brings me to the question

How do you cope with seasons?

I myself have been pondering this question for a while now and it seems to be a common theme in my life at the moment. I have had some wonderful seasons recently and am so thankful for opportunities that God has given me. As well as good seasons we also have challenging ones. These challenging seasons often leave me questioning

What is coming next?
Can I fast forward so I know what I am in for?
Is it good or bad?

You see, wondering what is coming next is not a bad thing; but becomes an unhealthy decision to repeatedly keep looking for the next thing in life. We worry, stress and angst; by doing this we miss the here and the now. We miss why we are called to this season we find ourselves in.

The conclusion I have come to is, not knowing grows our faith. Numerous times I have found myself sitting rock bottom going God, I cannot figure this out or know what I am meant to do here.

This is the phrase that God keeps bringing to my attention. Madeline, you do not need to know; trust me.

To be perfectly honest I struggle with this but I have learnt to pass the steering wheel of my life over to someone who knows the road I am heading on. I know that God’s plan for me exceeds my understanding and have enough faith to believe that this season is for His glory and to enhance His kingdom. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reads

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

While I won’t understand all things that happen in my life, I know they are a season. A season that leads into Gods will, His good pleasing and perfect will.

So for me even though it is winter here in Tasmania, I’ll be sticking around to see what God teaches me in this time.

Madeline x

